| Islands | Activities | Attractions | Dining | Events | Lodging | Transportation |

Attractions in Poipu

Information about attractions in the community of Poipu on the island of Kauai in Hawaii.

Allerton Garden | 4425 Lawai Rd | ntbg.org |

CJM Country Stables | northeast of Poipu |

Kaneiolouma Complex
Kaneiolouma Heiau
Kauai Coffee Visitor Center
Kauai Culinary Market
Koloa Heritage Trail

Mahaulepu Beach | northeast of Poipu |
Mahaulepu Heritage Trail
Makauwahi Cave Reserve | northeast of Poipu |
Mano Okalanipo Park | Poipu Road and Hoowii Road |
McBryde Garden | 4425 Lawai Rd | ? |
Moir Gardens

Poipu Beach Athletic Club | 2290 Poipu Rd | poipuclub.com |
Poipu Beach Park
Prince Kuhio Birthplace and Park | 5091 Lawai Rd | nakahu.org | poipubeach.org |

Spouting Horn Blow Hole | just west of Poipu | wikipedia.org |

Weliweli Park Disc Golf Center | 2535 Kipuka St | pdga.com |


kauaiexclusive.com --> blog --> cultural and archaeological discoveries ofpoipu
- Hapa Trail (part of Koloa Heritage Trail)
- Kaneiolouma Complex
- Mahaulepu Heritage Trail

poipubeach.org --> top 10 free things poipu

thehawaiivacationguide.com --> things to do in poipu

- More About the Town of Poipu
- Other Towns on Kauai Island
- Introduction to Kauai Island

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.