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Flowers of Hawaii

Information about flowers grown in Hawaii, flowers sold in Hawaii, flower shops, flower farms, lei shops, flower growers and general information about the flower industry of Hawaii.

Tropical Flowers Express | Kauai | kauaiflowers.com (offline) tropicalflowersexpress.com | bkauaigrown.org |


NAME: Watanabe Floral
ESTABLISHED: 1946 (by Ernest and Shizue Watanabe)
HONOLULU SHOWROOM: 1618 North Nimitz Highway
WAIPAHU SHOP: 94866 Moloalo Street
LOCATION: South Oahu Island, Hawaii
WEB SITE URL: watanabefloral.com | Link |

Lei Shops in Hawaii
- Cindy's Lei and Flower Shoppe | Oahu| https://www.cindysleishoppe.com/ |
- Hawaii Lei Stand | Oahu | https://hawaiileistand.com/
- Lin's Lei Shop | Oahu | http://hichinatown.com/shopping/linsleishop |
- Lin's Lei Stand Big Island | https://linsleistand.com/ |

Growers and Sellers

ENTITY: Gecko Farms Hawaiian Leis and Tropical Flowers
WEB SITE URL: geckofarms.com | Link |
HEADQUARERS: Keaau area, Puna District, Hawaii Island

ENTITY: Gobie's Flower Farm
WEB SITE URL: goblesflowers.com | Link |
LOCATION: Maui Island, Hawaii

ENTITY: Malolo Farm Protea
WEB SITE URL: proteasofmaui.com | Link |
LOCATION: Kula, Upcounrry Maui, Hawaii

- orchidgrowersofhawaii.org --> member directory --> cut orchids
- orchidgrowersofhawaii.org --> member directory --> potted orchids


- Big Island Association of Nurserymen | hawaiiplants.org (offline) |
- Hawaii Export Nursery Association | https://hena.org/ |
- Hawaii Floraculture and Nursery Association | https://www.hawaiifloriculture.org/ |
- Hawaii Tropical Flower and Foliage Association | htffa.com (offline)
- Hawaii Tropical Flower Council | https://hawaiitropicalflowercouncil.org | htfc.com (offline)
- Hawaii Tropical Flowers and Foliage Association Kauai | Facebook |
- Hawaiian Botanical Society | https://www.hibotsoc.org/ |
- Honolulu Orchid Society | honoluluorchidsociety.org (offline) | Facebook |
- https://www.konaorchidsociety.org/
- Maui Orchid Society | https://www.mauiorchidsociety.org/about-us |
- Native Hawaiian Plant Society | http://www.nativehawaiianplantsociety.org |
- Orchid Growers of Hawaii | https://orchidgrowersofhawaii.org/about-us/ |
- Pacific Orchid Society of Hawaii | http://pos_hawaii.tripod.com/ |

HFNA | https://www.hawaiineotropica.com/ |
encapsulates three older organizations:
- Hawaii Export Nursery Association (incorporated May 1994 for potted plants)
- Hawaii Tropical Flower Council (incorporated Dec 1990 for cut flowers and foliages)
- Orchid Growers of Hawaii (incorporated Feb 1995 for potted and cut orchids

hawaiiforvisitors.com --> nature --> orchid organizations

- Big Island Dendrobium Growers Association
- Dendrobium Orchid Growers Association of Hawaii
- Hawaii Anthurium Industry Association
- Protea Growers Association of Hawaii
- West Hawaii Orchid Growers


TITLE: Mixed Plate: Hawaii’s floral industry
PUBLISHED: June of 2019
ARTICLE: https://www.khon2.com/community/mixed-plate/mixed-plate-hawaiis-floral-industry/

TITLE: 1990 Hawaii Tropical Cut Flower Industry Conference
EVENT DATES: March 29th - March 31st, 1990
EVENT VENUE: Hilo Hawaiian
ARTICLE: https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/RES-124.pdf

Flowers Grown in Hawaii

- Anthuriums
- Hibiscus
- Lavender
- Plumeria
- Protea
- Orchids


- wikipedia.org --> flora of hawaii --> category
- nass.usda.gov --> hawaii flowers and nursery products
- nass.usda.gov --> hawaii horticulture and nursery products 2018 (PDF)

- Shopping Centers in Hawaii
- Swap Meets in Hawaii

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.