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Art Galleries on Maui Island

Information about art galleries on the island of Maui in Hawaii.

ENTITY: Maui Craft Guild
WEB SITE URL: http://www.mauicraftsguild.com/

NAME: Maui on Metal by Patrick McFeeley
WEB SITE URL: https://mauionmetal.com/

NAME: Turnbull Studios and Sculpture Garden |
WEB SITE URL: http://turnbullfineart.com/

NAME: Four Seasons Maui Artists Showcase
VENUE: Four Seasons Maui Wailea
WEB SITE URL: https://www.fourseasons.com/maui

Maui Art Galleries by Location

Hana or Road to Hana
- Hana Coast Gallery | Hana | http://www.hanacoast.com/
- Karen Lei's Gallery | Kahakuloa | http://karenleisgallery.com/

- The Village Galleries (since 1970) | http://www.villagegalleriesmaui.com/

- Maui Fine Art | https://www.mauifineart.com/
- The Maui Art Gallery | themauiartgallery.com (offline) | https://www.instagram.com/themauiartgallery/

- Curtis Wilson Cost Gallery | Kula? | https://www.costgallery.com/
- Cruiser Art Gallery | Kula | http://cruiserart.com/

- 3D Gallery
- Andrew Shoemaker Fine Art Photography | https://www.andrewshoemaker.com/
- Anna Keay Finne Art
- Art of Al Blanco
- Banyan Tree Fie Art Gallery
- Bill Wyland Galleries | https://www.wyland.com/galleries/
- Blue Water Gallery
- C'est Moi Studio
- Christofer Egan Gallery
- DaKine Fine Art Gallery
- Daryl Millard Gallery | https://www.darylmillard.com/
- Derubeis Fine Art of Metal Maui | https://www.derubeisfineart.com/
- Evo Art Maui | https://evoartmaui.com/
- Gallerie Five Zero Five
- Gallery Rafael | https://www.facebook.com/galeriarafael108/
- Harte International Galleries | https://www.hartegalleries.com/
- Holle Fine Art Gallery | https://hollefineart.com/
- James Coleman Gallery
- Joelle C. Gallery
- Kahana Fine Arts Studio
- Kai Nani Gallery at the Wharf
- Kai Pua Artist Studio and Gallery by Anna Keay | http://www.kaipua.com/
- Kii Gallery
- Kingwell Island Art Collection | https://kingwellislandart.com/
- Kush Fine Art Lahaina by ladimir Kush | https://kushfineart.com/
- Lahaina Arts Society | https://www.shopmauiart.com/
- Lahaina Galleries
- Lahaina Printsellers | https://www.printsellers.com/
- LIK Fine Art Lahaina \ https://lik.com/pages/lik-lahaina
- Macario Pascual
- Martin Lawrence Galleries | http://www.martinlawrence.com/
- Maui Art and Gifts
- Maui Art Prints
- Moana Glass
- Newlin-Chaney Gallery
- Ryan Staub Gallery of Glass | https://ryanstaubgallery.com/
- Sergeants Fine Art | http://www.sargentsfineart.com/
- Tabora Gallery Lahaihna
- Village Gallery Lahaina | https://www.villagegalleriesmaui.com/VillageGalleriesMaui/aloha.html
- Wyland Galleries

Makawao and Upcountry Maui
- Cultural Creations Gallery
- Hot Island Glass
- Hui Noeau Visual Arts Center and Gallery (Since 1934) | https://www.huinoeau.com/
- Jordanne Gallery and Studio by Jordanne Weinstein | https://www.jordannefineart.com/
- Julie Galeeva Fine Art | https://www.juliegaleeva.com/
- Kirsten Bunney Gallery
- Makai Glass Maui
- Makawao Fine Art (CLOSED)
- Maui Hands Makawao (since 1992) | http://www.mauihands.com/
- Sherri Reeve Gallery and Gifts | http://www.sreeve.com/
- Viewpoints Gallery Maui | http://www.viewpointsgallerymaui.com/

- Cesere Brothers Fine Art Underwater Photography | https://www.ceserebrothers.com/
- Kim McDonald Art Gallery | https://www.kimmcdonald.com/
- Paia Contemporary Gallery | https://paiacontemporarygallery.com/
- Pueo Art Gallery | https://www.pueomaui.com/
- Maui Hands Paia | http://www.mauihands.com/

- 105 Fine Art Owned by Christine Dehoff | | Wailea Gateway Plaza |
- Enchantress Gallery by Bootzie | The Shops at Wailea | https://www.enchantressgallery.com/
- Lahaina Galleries Wailea | The Shops at Wailea |
- Welzie Art Gallery | Andaz Wailea | https://www.welzie-art.com/

- More About Attractions on Maui
- Introduction to Maui Island
- All Attractions in Hawaii

- mickeyshannon.com --> articles --> top maui art galleries
- prideofmaui.com --> blog --> activities --> top 10 art galleries maui

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.