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About the Haarii Boat Festival

General information, editions, resources and facts about the Haarii Boat Festival in Hawaii.

EVENT: International Haarii Boat Festival
DESCRIPTION: Okinawan dragon boat races and festival in the Hilo area
FIRST HELD: August of 1990
TYPICALLY HELD: Every two years
WEB SITE URL: haariboatfestival.com
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook |
Hilo area, East Hawaii Island, Hawaii
- 2016 August 19-20 | Wailoa State Park and River | Facebook |
- 2014 August 15-16 | Hawaii Herald |
- 2012 | Host: Hui Okinawa | Wailoa State Park and River | Big Island News |
- 2010 | Wailoa State Park and River | Hawaii 24/7 |
- 2008 August 16 | Wailoa State Park and River | Star Bulletin | YouTube |
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