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Halls of Fame in Hawaii

Information about halls of fame in Hawaii.


ENTITY: Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hmhof.org | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> hawaiian music hall of fame --> article

Public Service

ENTITY: Honolulu Police Department Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: honolulupd.org --> about us --> hall of fame | Link |


ENTITY: Hawaii Food Industry Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hawaiifood.com --> hall of fame | Link |

ENTITY: Hawaii Restaurant Association hall of Fame
ABOUT: The Hawaii Restaurant Association marked its 60th anniversary in 2007 by creating a hall of fame for the local food-service industry.
2023 (15th): hawaiirestaurant.org |
2022 (14th): hawaiirestaurant.org |
2019 (13th): hawaiirestaurant.org (PDF) |
2018 (12th): hawaiirestaurant.org |
2017 (11th): westhawaiitoday.com |
2016 (10th): hawaiigrinds.com |
2015 (9th): hra3.wildapricot.org |
2014 (8th): midweek.com |
2013 (7th): honolulumagazine.com |
2012 (6th): honolulumagazine.com | hawaiireporter.com |
2011 (5th): hawaiinewsnow.com |
2010 (4th): midweek.com | honolulumagazine.com 2009 (3rd): honolulumagazine.com |
2008 (2nd): honolulumagazine.com |
2007 (1st): midweek.com |


ENTITY: Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hawaiisportshalloffame.com | Link
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> hawaii sports hall of fame --> article

ENTITY: Hawaii Swimming Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hshof.net | Link

ENTITY: Hawaii Watermen Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: dukefoundation.org --> hawaii waterman hall of fame | Link |

ENTITY: Paniolo Hall of fame
FULL NAME: Oahu Cattlemen's Association Paniolo Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: hicattle.org --> paniolo hall of fame | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> oahu cattlemen's association paniolo hall of fame --> article

ENTITY: Polynesian Football Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: polynesianfootballhof.org | Link |
ARTICLE: wikipedia.org --> polynesian football hall of fame --> article

ENTITY: PGA Aloha Section Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: aspga.com --> about us --> hall of fame | Link |

ENTITY: Hawaii Martial Arts International Society Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: ikfkickboxing.com --> hma hall of fame | Link |

Sports - Academic

ENTITY: University of Hawaii Sports Circle of Honor
WEB SITE URL: hawaiiathletics.com --> honors --> uh sports circle of honor | Link |

ENTITY: Hawaii High School Athletic Association Hall of Honor
WEB SITE URL: sportshigh.com --> hall of honor | Link |

ENTITY: Chimanade Silverswords Athletics Hall of Fame
WEB SITE URL: goswords.com --> honors --> hall of fame | Link |

National Halls of Fame

High School Band Directors National Hall of Fame
Pearl City High School band director inducted into national hall of fame
FROM THE ARTICLE: "Pearl City High School Bandmaster Chadwick Kamei was recognized recently at the school’s Symphonic Winds concert for his induction into the High School Band Directors National Hall of Fame. This honor is presented by the High School Band Directors National Association (HSBDNA), an organization that advocates for musical curriculum in secondary schools and promotes band and orchestra excellence. Only 65 bandmasters nationwide have received this award since its first recipient in 1982.

National 4-H Hall of Fame
National 4-H Hall of Fame Honors Hawaii 4-H Agent Helene Zeug
FROM THE ARTICLE: Honored by the University of Hawaii, Manoa and the Hawaii 4-H Youth Development Program, Dr. Helene Zeug was one of 16 people inducted during the ceremony held on October 12, 2021 at the Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Zeug was part of the National 4-H Hall of Fame 2020 Class of Inductees and a virtual-only ceremony was held in 2020.

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Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.