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Childrens Museums of Hawaii

Information about the childrens museums of Hawaii.

Hawaii Island

ENTITY: Hawaii Keiki Museum
FOCUS: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math
TARGETED TO: children aged zero to age 10
NOTE: second phase will add exhibits for age 11+
FIRST OPENED: October of 2022
CO-FOUNDERS: Dana McLaughlin, Anne Van Brunt, Jyness Jones
WITHIN: Kona International Market
ADDRESS: 4-5533 Luhia Street, Building "D"
LOCATION: Kailua-Kona, West Hawaii Island, awaii
WEB SITE URL: hawaiikeikimuseum.com | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | FB Events | Instagram | YouTube |
2022 Dec: KITV "Three Moms Open Kona Keiki Miseum"Article
2022 Mar: Kona-Kohala Chamber "Welcome New Member" Article

Oahu Island

ENTITY: Hawaii Children's Discovery Center
ADDRESS: 111 Ohe Street
LOCATION: Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii
WEB SITE URL: discoverycenterhawaii.org | Link |
SOCIAL MEDIA: | Facebook | FB Events | Instagram |

- More About the Museums of Hawaii
- Other Hawaii Attractions

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.